Team Young Lives NE logo

Team Young Lives North East Fund

Team Young Lives North East is a group for young volunteers from across the North East of England who have experience with cancer. Together we are raising funds to support children and young people, helping them to face everything that cancer throws at them.

Our Story


We are Team Young Lives North East  – thank you for visiting our page. We are a group of young volunteers from across the North East of England who have come together to support each other and raise funds for Young Lives vs Cancer. 

As a group we have all received support from Young Lives vs Cancer, having been supported through our own cancer journey, or as a relative of a young person with cancer. We all signed up to volunteer as a way of giving back and raising funds to support other young cancer patients and their families. We became part of Team Young Lives as a way to team up, share ideas, and support each other through our fundraising journey. 

Watch this space for upcoming fundraising activities and events.

Thank you for your support,
Weronika, Natalie, Adam, Charlie, Josie, Natalia and Ainsley.

Fundraising Pages