Hazza's friends stood together

Hazza's Fund

Harry (Hazza) was recently diagnosed with a rare, aggressive bone cancer.  He faces an intense chemotherapy journey and will undergo an operation to remove a tumor along with a large part of his femur and leg muscle.  He will have an implant in his leg that can be expanded as he grows but will need to have it replaced every 4 years whilst he is still growing.  Any support for Harry's fundraiser would be greatly appreciated.

Our Story

Harry (Hazza) was recently diagnosed with a rare, aggressive bone cancer after initially thinking he just had a sporting injury from playing football.  He faces an intense chemotherapy journey and will undergo an operation to remove a tumor along with a large part of his femur and leg muscle.  He will have an implant in his leg, that whilst can be expanded as he grows, will need replacing several times before he reaches adulthood.

 Upon his friends finding out about Harry's diagnosis, they all immediately associated hair loss with cancer and wanted to shave their hair as a mark of solidarity and to show that Harry wasn't going to be alone through this.  They want to do as much as they can in support of Harry for Young Lives vs Cancer and have already arranged other events to raise more money for the charity.

Young Lives vs Cancer is a leading UK cancer charity for children, young people and their families. Every day 12 children and young people hear the devastating news they have cancer. When a child is diagnosed with cancer life becomes full of fear, for them and their family. Fear of treatment, but also of families being torn apart, overwhelming money worries, of having nowhere to turn and no one to talk to. Young Lives vs Cancer help families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them.

Any amount that people wish to donate will be greatly appreciated, no amount is too small. Thank you.

Fundraising Pages

Group of Hazza's thirteen shoulder to shoulder


Hazza’s Thirteen Runners