Dylan-James' Story

Dylan-James was born on 31 August 2014 and was already so loved by his family. He was such was a gorgeous, cheeky, bright and caring soul who filled the world with positivity and smiles.

In July 2017, shortly before his third birthday, Dylan-James begun suffering with a tummy ache and a fever, and after a few days his dad noticed his tummy felt hard, so his parents took him to A&E. Once there, the hospital wouldn't let them go. Following tests, less than 24 hours later, the family were given the devastating news – we think Dylan-James has got cancer. Less than 48 hours, it was confirmed it was Wilms tumour.

Dylan-James had to start chemotherapy straight away, a kidney removed then faced a year of intense chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As treatment progressed, scan were coming back clear and Dylan-James' parents thought things were getting better. But just 2 months before he was due to end treatment, Dylan-James said his tummy was hurting and mum Alison's 'mummy instinct' kicked in. A scan showed that the tumour had not only come back in the original place, but it had also spread to his lung.

Despite trying a different mix of drugs, not long after Dylan-James' parents were given the devastating news that there was nothing more that could be done. They had a plan to alternate between a week at home, then a week at Shooting Star Children's Hospice with the time they had left. They spent a wonderful week at home, with Dylan-James loving time with his family and all his toys. After a week at home, the family drove to the hospice to spend a week there, but a couple of hours after arriving, Dylan-James passed away in his mum's arms, holding his daddy's hand. It was just weeks before his forth birthday.

A clear indication of how loved Dylan-James was, around 300 people attended his funeral alongside family and friends were people he's met at the hospitals and the hospice, all of whom had been touched by this gorgeous boy and the impact he has made on their lives.

Dylan-James' family have set up this fund to remember their beautiful boy, raising awareness and supporting other families facing cancer.

Fundraising Pages

Branded thank you


Dundonald Primary School Mufti Day

Always in awe of your constant selflessness and drive to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer. The worthiest of causes in memory of a special boy Dylan-James. All our love Cathal, Elaine, Ethan & Oran